Trams begins to circulate on the territory of the province of Mantua with the first line connecting Brescia to Castiglione delle Stiviere.
First steps of the agreement betweenEGT de Bruxelles and the Municipality of Mantua for the construction of the first urban tramway.
Inauguration of the first town line.
On the will of the mayor of Mantova, Giuseppe Rea, APAM is born.
The administration of the service passes from the Municipality to the Province of Mantova by a resolution, which marks the official birth of APAM
The public transportation system is entirely shifted from trams to motor vehicles.
APAM takes its administrative autonomy.
Inauguration of the new office for the maintenance of the vehicles.
APAM conforms to the provisions of the Ministry of Transportation, making the urban buses orange and the interurban ones blue.
APAM acquires some companies operating on interurban lines, through which extends its service area also to Brescia.
APAM passes from the private company Consorzio Mantovano Trasporti Pubblici to the Azienda Pubblici Autoservizi Mantova S.p.A
Born Apam Apam Esercizio S.p.A. with Apam Spa sole partner.
Apam Esercizio S.p.A. wins the local public transportation for urban services. The contract with the Municipality of Mantova is concluded in September 2003.
Apam Esercizio S.p.A. wins the local public transportation for interurban services. The contract with the Province of Mantova is concluded in April 2004.
The administrative offices move from Strada Dosso del Corso, n.4 to Via dei Toscani n. 3 Mantua, where the workshop and storage were already moved months earlier.
The first private partner, NTL S.r.l. enters into APAM Esercizio S.p.A. The NTL company is composed of ATM S.p.a. of Milano, Atb Mobilità S.p.A. of Bergamo and Brescia Trasporti S.p.A. of Brescia.
APAM Esercizio S.p.A. participates and wins the local public transportation for interurban and urban services of Mantua. NTL changes the corporate structure: ATM exit, ATB Servizi e Brescia Trasporti own now 50% each.
The Region of Lombardy establishes the agencies of local public transportation by dividing the regional territory into 5 divisons. Mantua and Cremona become parts of the same areal division.
The service contracts are taken in charge by the Agency which, in March, decides to extend the interurban service contract for four years. Thus Apam Esercizio S.p.A. will continue to run the interurban service until 31/03/2020.